There was a boy who was made of rubber.. I've always felt disconnected. not a human but a reproduction. my body doesn't always work.
man, thirty six
four more to power through
the wonders of hormonal tap water
otters and twinkies
oil and vinigars in small bottles
places I don't go:
midwest vortex
tires on fire in treehouses
children eating their teacher's pet.
U A O 's
there she goes, the portal to endless possibilities and of course, bills
I'm too old to be doing this
that's ok, severely spectrumed
under 50, check your rectum, for tumors
I'd rather smoke cigarettes than eat that fast food poison. Don't try to change me please
is hoisin Chinese?
Thai food is better
curry up and eat while air is still free.
my companion, while invisible, is my ideal lover: her name is Linda foot
I do know what true love is
my one true love was and still is my beautiful Parson Russell: Lucy; RIP
to this day I hold her in family photos. my arms cradling air. she taught me what it's like to love unconditionally. Her love was pure and we read each other's minds.
I knew I was an alcoholic when I was eight.
this is in fact poetry
quit trying to justify your degree
you don't impress me
I've tried suave and while it's a bit cheaper than degree, I prefer the latter.
frollicing blackened roots sniffing pasted-on cells. rocketing, swimming through, spaciousness. radiating lifesource burned to death. olfactory factory lime in line sleeping. burnt off cilia. gloved hands handle falling spermacidal maniacs, just as well. pumping fists on the boardwalk. slice of pie, hi. splinters chase the last shadow off the walk. city flock of coywolves. I was actually able to bend it all. mycelium knows everything. the ceiling sprays norovirus everywhere. my nasal hair is aware. cellulose and aspirin from one source. what if they are thinking what we are thinking over on the other side. what's inside? is the universe an outie? not Audi.
wordplay is like assplay only dirtier.
necrosis is worrisome if you’re a live thing. splayed and played but not a cardboard box. they live in a tent in the cold making peanut butter and jelly between coital. fun fact: They smoke long cigarettes on a sidewalk in Chicago. their homeless are in need of bed or bench. secondly: they require more food and fun things to do. thirdly: let’s make drugs safe again. I'm all about it. I saw an old friend(now enemy) sit at a picnic table drinking from a large plastic bottle of strong clear liquid. the day or week before, I noticed they made another video two years prior before his prior. wobbling through the snow talking like the natives, and then a pirate. He found an island not far from where he stood. a wooden island at that! They also said she fell in love after discovering the Joys of meth-induced sex. DiD you know you can get a prescription for literal meth? I guess it's not as bad as the government says. the bootleg bathtub shit is full of impurities I'm quite positive but it must vary in quality as all drugs do and all products on the market.
and then he said he is not guilty of domestic violence. I don't believe him on account of his raucously deviant nature.
the other guy is in prison still. can you believe it? I think he murdered someone or broke into some place nude and said something horrible.
they want more beds and more entertainment for the unhoused and I concur. little green capsules for everyone and all a good plight.
Inevitably broken
Resurfaced images on a floppy in a closet
Photograph wedged between pages
Everyone deserves a chance at romance
We are all unique and I appreciate that
Spiral staircase leading to stone wall
Man in a booth retires soon
There's a tower on a smooth river stone suspended. You or I live there. Yet, we don't. oh, the memories. Saltyzesty faulty spring, Salem fresh. Witch reminds me of the cauldron with limitless bottoms. Destitute, innumerable digits, unless, parfum leads you or me into the fire.
Spiderwebs and toolsheds unite
I have faith.
My mind works in peculiar ways
Electric digital visceral guttural gyro lamb melted styro Canadian curds and spiders no less
Redundancy splendor aluminum hologram toolbox shoots through lands on the desolate plot of bare concrete
The memo scratched into the sky
Where will I fly?
Where to land, hmmm. I haven't quite figured it out.
The most primitive place on Earth
Take me there and show yourself
Not your plaster of paris
Not your shadow box
I don’t want to see your dull reflection
Or your digital faceplate
Your holographic, pornographic, helium-fueled only fan BAM! WHACK! SPLAT!
ZOOM, it's right outside
The mall is falling apart. Fix it.
The inclusion of many thoughts of love and loss are reflected through your deep view of this world. There are so many wrongs in this world yet your ability to see the light through the cracks will let the Love in!
"inevitably broken"